Thursday, December 21, 2006

Dearest Bloggie,

Seems like I'll only be turning to you when I'm feeling the extremes.

The extreme happy, or the extreme sad.

Anyway, me and him is separated once more.

But well, I'm not feeling very upset.

Just disappointed.

No more crying fits and depression like last year... In fact its a rather peaceful event on my part. *smile*

I didnt blew my top, and what surprised me is I can still managed to talk nicely to him.

Okie, anyway... Do me a favor, dont ask me anything about it. *smile*

I'll talk and discuss when I'm ready.

*sigh* Apparently I'm always like quite cursed when it comes to festive. Last year, we broke up 1 week pior to my bdae chalet. And now, we broke up days before xmas chalet.

Errmm.. thats all.