Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Dear Bloggie,

I am feeling very lazy recently...

No mood to write, no mood to jog. =(

Anyway… updates – in a very summarize way.


End work > MRT to Woodlands to meet HY and TL for Dinner > Emergency Evacuation at Causeway Point (damn it loh, I made my way all the way down North only to be greeted by a fire which leads to an emergency evacuation) > Plans of having Ichiban Sushi (which I already figure out what I wanted to order) varnish into thin air > Took the MRT to Yishun > Dinner at some Japanese Food Court @ North Point > Bump into JT at Yishun (Surprise surprise!! 2 East-landers meeting at the Northern tip of the Island) > Chilling out at… Swensens! (Me Love Ice-cream) > Home Sweet Home. =)


Wakie after the Sun-rise (no more un-earthly 6am) > Drama Marathon > Nap nap time > More Drama Marathon > Uncle 1975’s friend… Lets call him Uncle XDD came by to pick me up at 5pm > Reached Plaza Singapore > Ate Ajisen Ramen (My first meal of the day) > Walk to Takashimaya to pick up my earrings > Walk back to Cathay and caught the 9pm movie – Night at the Museum 2 (Very entertaining show!! Me Like!) > Chilling out at Bliss @ Ponggol Park till 2am > Home Sweet Home. =)


Wakie after the Sun-rise again (Praise the Lord!) > Drama Marathon > Receieved a call from HL at the very last minute that she cannot meet us for Brunch (which is meant to be her Birthday Brunch) > Piss me off a little > TT came pick me up > Brunch with the Guys at Hongkong Café @ E-hub (Pasir Ris) > Drove to Ikea and walk around a little > Proceed to J’s House for Mahjong! > Me lost badly at first… but ended up winning 10bucks!! > Late Dinner at 401 @ Hougang > Home Sweet Home. =)

It's already Wednesday today... Time seems to fly this week. Tomorrow is the Day for Bak Chang but I have not ate a single one this year.

Ermm... I'm not upset or depress, instead I'm in a Neutral Mode.
But just no mood for updates...

Friday, May 22, 2009

Dear Bloggie,

Just when one...

Uncle NL says:

Is not enough...

Uncle NL: says:
=_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_= =_=

And this is how.. he ends it off...

Uncle NL says:
ok me going to work now
Uncle NL says:
for the next 2 hours
Uncle NL says:


*ahem ahem*

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dear Bloggie,

Its been ages since I've talked about IT Girl... =)

She is now a proud Mummy to a pair of lovely Twins~*

The entire office is going ga-ga over the 2 darlings... They can set up a Fan Club here. :P

Congratulations to IT Girl... =)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Dear Bloggie,

Well.. what will you be expecting from Someone 13 year my senior...

Uncle NL says:
then u start to whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and whine and whine

and if this is not enough...

Uncle NL says:
and wake up at 12pm whine and whine and whineand whine and whineand whine and whineand whine and whineand whine and whineand whine and whineand whine and whineand whine and whineand whine and whineand whine and whineand whine and whineand whine and whineand whine and whineand whine and whineand whine and whineand whine and whine

I hope I'm not like this... 13 years down the road. =_=



没有好友AC那out-going personality,那不服输的精神,那坚强极独立的个性 。
没有好友QH那easy-going personality,那冷静和理智,那可爱又无理头的个性。




虽enjoy the little luxuries in life,可是并不奢求荣华富贵。

经历了这么多西斯蒂里的爱情,真的好累。感情泛滥的我,不懂得如何保护自己;每一次的失利,我肯定会emerge as 个失足的残兵。这像是个恶性循环,我。。到底何时才能从这筐筐里跳出来呢?

心。。只是个平凡无奇的小妮子, 可是。。我并不会就此放弃。



Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dear Bloggie,

Once again it’s a brand new week; time for my weekend updates.

This is a slower-paced weekend as compared to the previous weekends; but nevertheless this is one turbulent one.


放了工,时间还早。就约了NL在莱佛士一带喝咖啡。NL足足大我十三岁,可是我们俩之间好像没什么隔膜,无所不谈。一个钟头就这样过了,我就独自一人搭地铁前往Central Mall。NL本叫我走路过去;我说他发神经。外面正下着绵绵细雨,叫我穿着那高跟鞋冒着风雨走过去,哪儿有可能。。

约了Poly Friends在Sun with Moon @ Central Mall庆祝HL的生日。Lucky we made reservations; it was pretty crowded that evening. My dinner... shared with JT.The spread.. shared by the couple couples... And my all time favorite... Tofu Cheese Cake. Happy Birthday HL.






在KTV 时,我。。鼓起了勇气。

Xin: Ermm… I’m rather fond of you. Don’t know if you are aware… But well…
Xin: Did I scare you… Sorry ah… No worries, you don’t have to do anything from now on.
SBK: I am flattered… Thanks. Don’t worry I am not scared… =)



















Monday, May 18, 2009

Dear Bloggie,

I know.. I need to clear up the air a little. =)




SBK的确是一个Potential Target;我们俩的性格和嗜好都相当般配,我对他也有些许好感。




Sunday, May 17, 2009

Dear Bloggie,

It's over.

Please do not ever ever ever mentioned SBK.

He is officially out of my life.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Dear Bloggie,

Remember I baked a cake a couple weeks back for my Cousin Liang and Aunt TPS's Birthday... This is my first attempt at a Full size Sponge Cake... =)
All the ingredients... Self-raising flour, corn flour, eggs (yolk and white separated), sugar and melted butter. First.. Beat the egg yolk. Till it become err... like above. Then... clean up the big mixing bowl and mixer, and start beating the egg whites. When the egg white becomes a white fluffly mixture, add the sugar.. Continue beating the mixture till it becomes err... like above. Add the beaten up egg yolk to the egg white mixture.. And add the self-raising flour and corn flour. Fold the flour into the mixture then add in the melted butter... Speaking of the butter - I placed the butter in a bowl and put it into a pot of water to melt it... My first attempt failed as the boiling water splashed into the bowl of butter when I was trying to take the bowl out. So... this melted butter is not easy to come by. =(Fold the melted butter into the mixture and the mixture is completed!! Placed the mixture into a round baking tin... and give it a shake to remove air bubbles. And its baking time... =)

Ta dah~~*

Xin's First Sponge Cake. =)

Dear Bloggie,





[1] 下了这么大的决心,都大老远到了发廊,都已经开始着手了,可是因为发尾真的太干燥了,最终不能如愿以偿。我。。好失望。

[2] 好累。。又看戏,有饭局。每晚过了凌晨才熄灯就寝,现在的我精疲力尽。我。。好累。

[3] 可能是不够睡眠,皮肤暗淡无光。今天索性脂粉不施的就出门了,让皮肤透透气。忙于应酬,没时间运动,饮食也不均衡,好像又胖了。我。。好伤心。

[4] 正在安排一个生日小聚会,出席率差强人意,对于朋友们的冷淡有些气愤。这是个庆祝会,我以着手包办一切,只是需要他们的大驾光临,可是就连这一点面子都不给寿星婆。我。。咳。

[5] 跟SBK似乎有些小暧昧的感觉,可是实际状况我始终搞不清。是他没意思,还是我想太多了?在这情况下,我决定要设法先保护自己。所以,就先置身而退吧。我。。就这样决定了。




[Edited: Suay things always happened when you are at your all time down; no exception for me case too... My heels broke and I had to limp to Tampiness Mall to get a new pair of shoes. =(]
Dear Bloggie,

Let me kick off the week with a summary of my weekend… A very long lengthy post. =(


Made my way home straight after work… Very sad, till the very last minute I still can’t find company. Okie, maybe there are company but I’m rather selective coz I was rather sleepy… Then just before 7pm:-

SBK: Going Dragonfly tonight?
Xin: Nope… All alone tonight, my girl friends all got dates.
SBK: I see what time I finish my gathering. I go find you lah.
Xin: Hehe… Okieokie.
SBK: Maybe late though… 1plus can?
Xin: Haha… You plan to see sun rise ah? See if I’m still awake a not ba… But tml I not working, don’t think I’ll sleep early. You done call me lah.
SBK: Ok…

“Don’t think I’ll sleep early”… That’s my wishful thinking. I fall asleep around 8pm and just before that… I sent Bestie a sms and asked her to wake me up at 12mn.

So… I did wake up around 12mn, SBK sms-ed at 12:30am and reached my place 15min later.

Even I was surprise at the twist and turn of events. Why in the world did I wake up in the middle of the night, and despite my ‘still-very-sleepy-state’ I manage to wash up and leave the house.

So… Not wanting to see a Horror Show an hour after I got out from bed, we ended up singing KTV at Ceni-Leisure till 4am.

Last weekend, I gave directions home after supper; and after I reached home, he sms-ed me saying that he had wanted to bring me to see the sun-rise if I had not given him the directions home. So I did not give directions this time round, and just meters away from AMK’s exit, he suddenly asked… “Want to see sun-rise?”

I okie-ed and with that, we made out way down to Changi Park.

Took a stroll along the Park, there are plenty of tents, plenty of cats, plenty of people fishing at 5am. Settled down on the bench, only to be greeting by more lightning and shortly after… gusts of strong wind. We quickly make our way back to the car, in search of another spot to await that sun-rise.

Drove a little distant away and we found the perfect spot – a car park very close to the Beach. And it started raining… very heavily.

We waited…
He… Fall asleep.
I… Counted airplanes.

The sky started to brighten up; but still no signs of the fiery ball. The thick fluffy clouds did a wonderful job in concealing that fiery ball from me.

I woke him up… and start whining about the absence of the big fiery ball. =(

And then… the morning ended with breakfast at Changi Village. =)


Slept at 8:30am; woke up at 12:30am.

Meet up with my aunts at Parkway. Despite the lack of sleep, I was a Happy Girl. =) Walk around a little, shop around a little, and treated them a Mummy’s Day Dinner. Then we proceed down to Dunman High for a School Concert.

The school is very big and new; well... this is how much budget Good School have. =( At times... I find the system in Singapore a little unfair. Smarter students deserve a better environment?

I knew she's in some Dance Club; but didnt expect it to be the Dance Club for Chinese Society Club. Very pretty Verene... Shes in for 2 Dance Segment and this is her costume for the 1st set. The Concert is made up of 大戏,相声,舞蹈 and 戏剧。It is very entertaining, and all the students have put up a marvellous show! Ermm.. but I noticed that most of the students are from China. Is it coz... they're grades are so good hence they are being offered places in one of Singapore's Top School or coz this is a Concert put up by the Chinese Society Club hence all the China students joined the Club? This is the 压轴 Performance... I'm so proud of this little Girl. =)

After the concert, I waited very long at the Bird-no-lay-Egg Tanjong Rhu for a cab… Meet up with Bestie at Bliss @ Ponggol Park, had our regular Girlie Chat, had my favorite Mushroom and Ice Lemon Tea. Left Bliss around 2am, I am totally exhausted…


Woke up and continue my Drama Marathon… I managed to finish up my TVB drama. So sad, Laughing 哥 and 芯姐 died... And 小公主 and 幸福王子 didn’t get together… =(

My Baby Brother had told me earlier on that he will be cooking Mummy’s Day dinner on Sunday, and had specifically asked me to stay home. I skipped Lunch (coz too tired fall asleep) and waited till 7pm.

No sound no picture… and no Dinner.

I massaged him, only to find out that it was cancelled last minute. -_-
And all it takes is a couple of MSN massages, and TT is on his way down to my house… We went to AMK for a 9+ show – Claustrophobia. I’ve been watching A LOT of show lately, but none is comparable to this. Under no influence of alcohol and fatigue, I walked out of the cinema totally clueless of what’s going on, again. No story line; no horror, no sex, no war, no adrenal pumping chase. To conclude – absolutely waste of time.

But well… we both had a good laugh over the ‘nothing-ness’ of the show.

Went for supper as I’m starving, saw Chelsea scored 4-1 against Arsenal and reached home around 1am.


Made an appointment with my hair stylist…

After much contemplation, I have made up my mind… I want to perm my hair up into curls… I happily went down to Orchard, and Anson told me what he had in mind for me… And he started on the chemicals.


After he washed the chemicals off… my hair… fizzed.

Apparently, the ends are still very much bleached, and it still cannot take the chemicals.

I am super duper disappointed.

To ease my disappointment, I did what I can do best at Orchard – Shopping. In that couple of hours I walked away with a Bottom, Mousey for my Lappie, new Falsies and a couple pair of Earrings and not forgetting coffee with Bestie. Then I made my way back to AMK, had a Japanese dinner with TT and we watched another movie – The Ramen Girl.

Reached home around 12mn, and slept close to 1am.


Seemed like I had once again have a rather jam pack weekend. Very long post, lost the centre focus of the post somehow… Too narrative. =(

Hence, ending here.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Dear Bloggie,

Its Friday~~*



可能。。是因为我这一整个礼拜都很早睡,所以精神爽朗,人也跟着开朗起来。 就连因为太早睡我miss了SBK的MSN,只看到他留给我的Off-line留言,可是心里还是开心的。因为。。有Off-line的留言嘛。。

可能。。是因为跟久违了的Soulfly见面了,大致上我没失礼,表现大方,我还真为自己骄傲。 说没眷恋是骗人的,不过心已经不痛,也没那揪着、揪着的感觉了。。

可能。。是因为今早接到了Grouchy Bear的来电,得知他对我舆情未了,非常ego-boosting。 经过那么多风浪,信他我是大笨蛋,我还真的是懒得理他,不过看到他这样pathetic,还是蛮爽的。。

可能。。是因为今天是我非常讨厌的下雨天,可是我却因此乘机叫了Pizza Hut外卖,超开心! 哈哈。。我超爱Pizza Hut的Spicy Drumplets!!

可能。。是因为我和Bestie在一个上午的时间,竟然很impromptu的决定在六月一同出国散心。。 机票超便宜,不去太对不起自己了,我又要坐飞机了!!

可能。。是因为HY一大早就MSN我了,她的一句“Ger” 我就知道她发生了事,接着她因为我仿佛是她肚子里的虫虫,知道她的喜怒哀乐 - 而哭了。。 不是我的错哦,因为我太了解她了,她太感动了。我喜欢这份友谊,不虚伪、超真诚 - 像水晶球般纯真透明。。



Thursday, May 07, 2009

Dear Bloggie,

I am thinking… of doing up my hair in curls.

Xin: Do you think I’ll look funny with curls?
SBK: You should look pretty… Keke…


So… what do you think?

PS: Verdict will be out on Monday.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009





[1] 这个礼拜,我每晚十点就准备上床就寝。有了足够的睡眠,精神爽朗,心情也自然得开心起来了。今天就觉得世界是多么的美好,没设么能打倒我的!就好像是无敌铁金刚般~*

[2] 今早下着绵绵细雨,刚上了巴士,Soulfly传来了则简讯。

Soulfly: It’s mildly drizzling. You mind if I send you to work?
Xin: I’m already in the bus on my way to work... But thanks for the offer.
Soulfly: Ok, like that I go jogging. Tmr I predict rain. Can I send you tmr then? I don’t recall you stepping out so early last time; I actually woke up at 6am.
Xin: I start work at 8am, I’ll leave house at 6.45am. Haha, if it rains then… See how accurate is your prediction.
Soulfly: Ok, tmr see how then. Still have breakfast habit?
Xin: Depends if I’m hungry.
Soulfly: Its ok, you are always hungry. K nvm, I go jog instead today.

说没丝毫眷恋是骗人的,虽然我以对这人死了心,也正在期待新的恋情,可是早上的这段short exchange是很ego-boosting的。

[3] 因为这场绵绵细雨,我今早就提早出门。一阵冲忙中,我竟然忘了带隐形眼镜。在我那麻雀般的小房间里,再加上我的度数不高,我到了家楼下放眼看远处才察觉到。可是为时已晚,我根本来不及再上楼了,今天只好‘朦朦胧胧’的过。可是,就因为我的“sotong”行为,我传了侧简讯给Bestie。我。。想了想,又把相同的简讯传发给了SBK。

Xin: The biggest joke of the day: I left home w/o my contact lens today. Wish me luck today darling. =(
SBK: Dun go walking into the wall pls…
Xin: Hehe, Wall so big I can see… I scare I board sala bus only…
SBK: Then do like visually handicapped people lor, ask the person beside you when a bus comes… Haha.

这可能没什么大不了,可是他不是一个很 “sms”的人,所以每一次收到他的简讯我的心都有如小鹿乱撞般。不只这样,我还得知他礼拜六及礼拜天有Wedding Dinner要attend,所以不能约我,可是没关系,至少我知道他不能陪我的原因。可是,他说Dinner前我们可以碰面。还在计划中,可能到头来不会实现,可是有那份心我以足够了。=)

[4] Soulfly刚刚又传了简讯给我,说一起吃午餐。我。。答应了。午餐而以嘛,应该没大碍吧。我应该有一年的时间没跟他碰面了,我想是因为我今天心情太棒了,做出有些我平常应该不会做的事。没关系,今天没什么能打倒我的!!


Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Dear Bloggie,

Since 2pm, my 'neighbor-at-work' (who is also IT's Girl's Boss) left her fan blowing at my direction. Its either she has no idea the power is still on, so she kept is back to its regular place, or she just want some air-ventilation without the air blowing at her...

Knowing my super duper low threshold for cold, the past 2hr 40min has been horrible for me. I seemed to have enter Attica and has been freezing since 2pm till now. *poor me* I didn’t want to walk over and tell her to off it as I’m not exactly on ‘talking-terms’ with her… 不是很熟...

Anyway, she just off the power of the fan. *Hip hip hooray!!*

I felt…解放了。

But… I’m leaving office in another… 14min. -_-"

Monday, May 04, 2009

Dear Bloggie,

A brand new week; a brand new month!

Had an exhausting but fulfilling weekend. I did not make any plans beforehand; thought I could take a good rest during the long weekend. But 事与愿违, things do not also turn out as plan – in a good way thou. =)


a) Finally drag myself down to the tracks on Thursday. The Swensen’s Dinner with TT on Wednesday is too sinful, he too went down to the tracks and we ended up jogging together.

b) Nah… Friday is a non-working day so I’m not going to waste a good Thursday night at home doing nothing. Head down to Bliss @ Ponggol Park and chilled out with Bestie.


a) Saw Neighbor at the driveway just below our block. He bought a new car!! Keke… So he gave me a lift to MRT, chatted along the way and got updated on his life. Life appears to be a bed of roses for him at the moment; new girlfriend + new car + advancement in job.

b) Headed down to Vivo City with Bestie; spend more then an hour at Page One (me love books), did a little shopping and we went down to 蜻蜓. =)

c) Bestie wanted to make a trip to Candy Empire; reason being she wanted to get me Red Gummi Bears! Why Red Gummi Bears… coz something last week, my msn display name reads: Angel loves Gummi Bears… esp the red one. Isnt that sweet of her?? But… we got a little carried away with the shopping that we forgot to make the trip down. But it’s the thought that counts right… =)

d) We left蜻蜓just after 12mid-night; I was in high-sprit (reads: a little drunk). 2 girls manage to polish off 1 full shutter of Tiger that night; considered an achievement for me as I’m not a big fan of beer and have got super low tolerance towards beer. I ended up super gigglish, super talkative, super inquisitive. 2 girls stumble back to Vivo City as we have a mid-night movie to catch! Ermm… not too sure what Wolverine did in his youth as much of the time I was close to dozing off. Party before movie is truly a very bad idea.

e) Wolverine FINALLY lost his memory; the show finally ended. I is very tired. Bestie’s friend drop by to pick us up and I got a free ride home~* Err… I like that Rabbit, Bestie can help check where he got it from?

f) With that… and some TVB drama marathon, I fall asleep at 4am.


a) Toffee woke me up at 9am. *Fantastic*

b) Meet SBK at Ang Mo Kio for a movie - Friday 13th. I HATE horror shows, but… he likes. =(

c) Finally… ate the ‘never-ending-queue’ Chicken Rice at AMK Hawker Centre. It’s seriously over-rated, and to think I got to wait so long for it. But we found another ‘want-to-try’ store at the same Hawker Centre again; foundation for another date. =)

d) Not knowing where to go at 9pm, he drove around aimlessly… We ended up at…蜻蜓, again.

e) I told myself NOT (reads: NEVER NEVER NEVER) to party before a movie ever again. But… I actually let it happen again, and worst… on the following day. But this time round, I was more under-controlled, 3 bottles of Heineken only. Reasons being a) I cannot 丢脸in front of SBK, b) I do not want to doze off in the cinema again.

f) It turned out to be WORST… I was seriously tired. Think the tired-ness from the previous night got ‘brought-forward’ and I totally could not make heads and tails out of the Horseman. Many times I woke up finding myself lying on SBK’s shoulder.

g) I… can sense that SBK is not willing to call it a night yet at 3 in the morning, so we went for supper at Ponggol Nasi Lemak. Been ages since I have had it, but it’s still as yummy as I remember it to be.

h) Reached home at 4am… I am seriously tired. SBK sms-ed me when his home, and said that if I had not given directions back to my house after supper, he would have brought me to see the sun-rise. =)

i) Finally… slept at 5am.


a) This time round, its Mum that wokes me up… at 10am. *Wonderful*

b) Made a sponge cake!! My first attempt at a 24inch sponge cake and it’s a 70% success – the 30% went into the centre that wasn’t fully cooked. Photos will be up at next post with all the photos of the process…

c) Head down to Granny House for dinner, with a mini celebration for my cousin HL and my favorite aunt TPS. My cake is well-received!

d) TT came by to pick me up around 9pm, and I watched my 4th show this weekend – Taken. And surprisingly, this is the best show I have watched during the weekend.

e) Reached home at 11.30pm. I am seriously… exhausted.

A very pack weekend, but somehow… a happy one. =)