Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Dear Bloggie,

Feeling so upset.. :(

I've been following this Korean Variety Show - 2 Days 1 Night; for over the past 1 year. I started watching when they start the new season.. I watch how the 7 men grew from strangers to brothers and also how affectionate Bird PD became. And without any notice.. ok, just my lack of updates, I watch the 31 March episode on tablet last night.. only to know that its Bird PD and the 大哥's day episode.

Super upset lah... :(

Anyway.. this morning I started on the next episode. New PD together with a new member. Given my pattern, it'll take some time for me to get warm up to these new people.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Dear Bloggie,

Been ages.. a real long time since I last updated. 

I cannot say life has been a bed of roses; but it had not been too bad either. I suddenly thought of this site a couple of days back; and find it a real pity that I am not writing anymore. My life has not been that interesting.. its mostly work and home. So there is also not much materials for me to write.
Anyway.. I really am getting married. Thou I did not manage to get married at the age of 25; but well.. better late then never. :) Its my 过大礼 day yesterday. Where LW came up and present my parents with the many items in exchange for my hand in marriage.

He came over at 9am with CCY.. Well well... 我真的要嫁人了. 

We spent the rest of the day running up and down delivering all the cakes to the relatives. So well well.. that is not over; and I am looking forward to the wedding. Cant say I am EXCITED; but I am really looking forward to that long break after the wedding. *smile*

Realised that many relatives are getting ready for the wedding.. buying new clothes, going to salon for hair appointsment, etc. So blessed that everyone's making all the effort for me; really feel so loved. I adopted a nonchalant attitude for the wedding.. alot of things I learned to 看开. Have I take.. dont have its okie. That makes things simplier and easier.. and I'm also not that stress out. 

So well well.. :)