Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Dear Bloggie,

Since 2pm, my 'neighbor-at-work' (who is also IT's Girl's Boss) left her fan blowing at my direction. Its either she has no idea the power is still on, so she kept is back to its regular place, or she just want some air-ventilation without the air blowing at her...

Knowing my super duper low threshold for cold, the past 2hr 40min has been horrible for me. I seemed to have enter Attica and has been freezing since 2pm till now. *poor me* I didn’t want to walk over and tell her to off it as I’m not exactly on ‘talking-terms’ with her… 不是很熟...

Anyway, she just off the power of the fan. *Hip hip hooray!!*

I felt…解放了。

But… I’m leaving office in another… 14min. -_-"

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