Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Dear bloggie,

Boyfriend bought me Pkk n Akk for brekkie. Okok.. More of Pkk for me and Akk for my parents.

I left it on the dinning table when i got home.. And went to the room. I had wanted to ta bao the Pkk into the lunch box and.. Only to find out they ate my Pkk. :((

Upset to the max.

Very tired lately.. But cant slp. Insuficient rest leads me feeling giddy and kept feel like puking.

So so.. Very the not well. :((
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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day

Dear Bloggie,

Its Valentine's day again.. Had dinner with Besties. Its a rather impromptu arrangment. But it warms my heart to know that everyone is very dear to each other. Thou its v day and a random work day, everyone still gathers and give tries to tide each other tru difficult patches.

Its not easy.. Zero signs indicating the end of a relationship. How could one juz walk out from years of relationship. We are no longer in our teens, should be more responsible i feel. Its never easy to maintain a relationship.. But well, you also cant juz throw in the towel like that.

Sigh sigh.. I feel there is no need to go figure out why and seek that closure. Whats the point in seeking out the truth, and he might not even give the real truth. Why not juz focus more on moving on. Learn a lesson from this and not repeat what went wrong. It is a period to grief, and certain tings are easier said then done.

So well.. Time for bed. BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Dear Bloggie,

都说我想分享冰糖葫芦和贵花糕的故事.. 世上没办不到的事,在麻烦在没时间我还是会抽空把它给写出来..


人,年少时吃了冰糖葫芦..觉得冰糖葫芦是人间美味. 可是因为冰糖葫芦乃是路边小吃, 对身体百害而无益处.. 所以就决定在也不吃冰糖葫芦了..

虽下定决心了, 他对冰糖葫芦还是念念不忘. 就算是试过了贵花糕, 名贵又健康.. 他还是任为冰糖葫芦是天上有地上无的. 心里对冰糖葫芦还是请有独中.

有一天..他终于吃到了他日盼夜盼的冰糖葫芦. 怎么知道.. 冰糖葫芦送进嘴里, 跟他儿时记忆里的那味道截然不同. 这.. 怎么可能是他朝夕睦想的冰糖葫芦呢?

他这时才枉然大悟.. 原来, 他最爱的味道是那每天都在身边盘旋着的贵花糕.

人.. 往往都不懂得珍惜身边的人与物, 只懂的无畏的追寻着已失去的回忆. 就算让你失而复得, 也未必是你当初记忆里的那些回忆了..

所以.. 珍惜眼前人.

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Dear Bloggie,

There is something I want to post up.. you know, at times there is just that something in your head and you just want to share it out. Today is one of such days.. I am hoping that I can do this full post in Mandarin, but unfortunatley.. I cannot do Chinese characters in office.

So... maybe I shall leave it to some other days when I am free at home. (Haha.. which I hardly am)

Anyway.. the topic. Bing Tang Hu Lu.. and Gui Hua Gao. :)
Dear Bloggie,

So much is going on, but yet.. its been real difficult to pen it down in words.

Anyway.. updates on the Wedding plan!

After the proposal on X'mas eve.. we got busy. Busy with more X'mas celebrations and New year countdown parties. And shortly after.. preparations and meet-ups for CNY.

So thou its a busy period, I manage to emails all the potentials hotels to get a rough idea on the package and price range. And also got in contact with the Geomancer introduced by CSM to get an auspicious date.

The date came in.. and we realised we do not have much of an option. There is only 1 date in the whole Q1 & 2 of 2013. So so.. we comb tru all the hotel options and visited ermm, quite a few to see the ball room. The date we got is a real auspicous one so most hotels are already fully booked (this is more then 1 year in advance). Since we have absolutely no options.. we went with Pan Pacific for Lunch.

I had wanted Dinner.. but well, :(

So so.. The venue is fixed.. and now its time to hunt for my Gown. ^^

We have not started looking for it.. its been a real busy period hence we're going slow. And oh, we have booked tix for a Japan trip in April! I wanted to see the Cherry Blossom.. so now, I am more busy trying to plan the itinerary and get the hotels.

Okok.. that is all for now.