Thursday, October 06, 2005

Dear Bloggie,

Feeling damn lazy recently... Or maybe I'm a lazy bone all my life.

I wanted to blog about my last weekend, but before I realised, this week is coming to an end soon...

Yupz, the time passes so fast recently.

I am also getting older as the days passes. Wonder if this is positive or negative.

Okie, back to last weekend.


Last Saturday I wasnt working. So I went shopping with Qian. Xiang called me and offered to send me down to Orchard to meet Qian. So when he came, he didnt came empty handed. He came with the hot-dogs from IKEA...

Some time back last week, I mentioned to him that its been quite some time since I last ate the IKEA hot-dogs. So he bought me some last Saturday. Really sweet of him right.

But thats not all.

When we got to his car, I saw this...

Sun Flower!! This is one of my Favorite Flower. Not hard to guess why right... Coz its yellow in color.. Hehe~~*

This is the biggest Sun Flower I ever recieve. Its really big!! No believe? I show you again...

Big right? Anyway, I'm reallie happie. This is the 2nd time he gave me flowers. When I asked him why did he waste this type of money on me, he told me coz his trying to chase after me all over again... Kinda corny right.. Haha~~*

Okie, a very badly photo of me (my eyes are closed... omg.) and the flower. Now you can see how big the flower is...

Getting off the car with my Sun Flower. Nope, I planned to go shopping with Qian that day. So I didnt carry the flowers with me. I left it in the car.

Didnt buy much that day while Qian really shop till she dropped. She practically bought sumthing from every shop we went in. I only got myself a skirt, new pair of ear-rings from Madam Butterfly and my 2006 organizer refills from Kinokuniya...

Then by 9plus all the shops starts to closed. And we still got the shoppine mood. So Xiang came down to pick us up. To mustafa... Hehe~~* To continue shopping.

First time I go down to Mustafa after the sun has setted..

Its damn crowded. But well, we didnt buy anything. But spend 2hours walking around.. Hehe~~*


Woke up, slacked around, and went to Huili house for mahjong with Mao and Aaron...

I won abit, and Mao has been calling me Da Bai Sha (Big White Shark) since... He even came up with this...

See my name... Haha.. Huili and myself are labelled as the da bai sha... (Anyway, we are playing over-nite mahjong again this Sat nite. Funny right, called the da bai sha, but then still keep wanted to be the preys...)

After that I went down for dinner at my Granny house, then went home.

So overall, I think my last weekend was very well-spent. Hehe~~*

So anyway, this week passed by so fast. Its going to be Fridae tomorrow. Still not much plans this weekend, other then my mahjong session on Saturday. But there's a few stuff I've got to do like getting my cousin a bdae pressent for his bdae party next week and ermm... I cant remember liao..

Okie, ending here liao. I have finished reading The Assasini by Thomas Gifford. A damn chimology book, but then the plot still not bad, very unexpected. But The Da Vinci Code still better. Now I starting on Anne Rice's The Vampire Lestat. Going back to my book..

Hope everyone have a fantastic weekend ahead kae...

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