Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Dear Bloggie,

It always takes an unfortunate event, to let people appreciate the things around them. We, human being, should learn to be more appreciative of the people and events around us.

People, who appear strong in front of us, also have their weak moments. But it takes more courage for them to bend down and cry in front of you then most people. Did you realize it?

Thou not all unfortunate events takes a better turn and resolve ultimately, but hey! We are also not losers in the event. As the saying goes, ‘you lose something, but you also gain something’.

I see how vulnerable Women are. We placed all our heart and soul into a little basket provided by the Man, but when the Man decided to place the basket into a coffin, nailed and burry under earth, this really seals the fate of the relationship.

But why do Women still willingly (or stupidly) place their heart and soul into the little basket.

I am no expert in relationship, having faced countless failed one. But my best guess it, when Women reach a certain age, our instinct points us to forming a family. Hence we learned how to love unconditionally, albeit stupidly at times may I quote. At times, even pride is put down, which I am really ashamed to mention it. Do Women really need to go till those extend for the Men, when they have already said straight at our face that they no longer wants us. This might sound ridiculous, but even I cannot find an explanation myself. Hence, I push it all to the sinful word, Love.

But as mentioned earlier, a little something is gained whenever something is lost.

You’ll find that at moments like this, people around you that care are pouncing out to give you that helping hand.

The family that has always been as silent as the backdrop suddenly is there to provide comfort.

The colleagues that you have not meet outside working hours are organizing drinking sessions, hugs and pets are becoming part of the greeting process.

And most importantly, The friends. Friends that we have all along taken for granted have spring out like mushrooms after the rain, to take you out for girlie chatting session or retail therapy.

BUT! (Why must there always be a BUT.. This is such an evil word)

Even with Family, Friends and Colleagues, an unfortunate even is still an unfortunate event. They could help to relieve the pain, but they cannot take away the pain.

Man has never been able to understand the healing process Women so needed. And often laugh and despise the fact that we are always off running to others for that comforting moment. Men and Women are built differently and hence, function differently. (Thou there will always be exceptional cases) Please do not judge Women so quickly by saying nasty things about us seeking that little comfort from others. It’s just a natural recovery process for us.

It’s never an easy process, but I believe Women can always go through the hurdle. We are built this way… =)

But having said all of the above, I still hope unfortunate events stay far away from me, and my loved ones.

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