Friday, May 23, 2008

Dear Bloggie,

Exams finally finished.

I am back in the office today, and I can see that I’ve really got a lot of work to do. This is really what I dislike about going on leave. You’ll have a mountain load of work waiting for you when you’re back. I have just finished my month end reports, at least I’ve cleared the more urgent matter already…

But nevertheless, I am glad that exams are all over. =)

Starting from today onwards, it will be a brand new beginning for me.

I have decided to start afresh and move on with my life. Feeling empty as I don’t even have that tiny hope to hang on now, but well… I think this is all but necessary. It is of little use to be putting effort in areas where there are no definite returns. It is only a complete waste of my youth, and I think I have better use for it.

At times, it is easier said then done. It is never easy to leave a little of you behind. But its alright, Xin will survive!

The Company bowling competition is today after work. Dinner is provided at 6pm and bowling will start at 7pm. Oh yeah! Time to ‘throw face’ in front of everyone…

I actually forgot about this bowling competition, and actually plan to go clubbing with QH after work to celebrate my path to freedom! So well, by the time the competition ends should be quite late so we postpone the clubbing. But we will still be meeting tomorrow for more shopping! And a good thing too, since the GSS starts today. Tomorrow will be crowded as it can get, but we can manage!

Air ticket and accommodations for the HK trip in August are all booked. I’ll be travelling with QH, JT and his friend JJ… JJ, is a special name I’ve gave him. Because I can NEVER remember his name is Jxxk or Jxxn, so I am to call him JJ. =p

Time flies… May is coming to an end soon. A couple weeks later I’ll be celebrating my bestie’s AC birthday. Then follow by release of my exams results. And soon it will be my birthday. And after that we’ll be going to HK.

I have lived a quarter of a century. Feeling kind of old…

Let me heal, and I shall learn to love again... =)

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