Thursday, January 22, 2009

Dear Bloggie,

1st Birthday of the Year! I slept at 6am on Saturday night, but I woke up at 8.30am the next morning... Meeting the Poly people for an early lunch at Harbour Front.

The early birds... Not bad right. more then half made it on time.. =) Anyway, its to celebrate JT's birthday... The first among us to hit 26. =x No worries JT, noone is going to catch up with you anytime soon... =p

Anyway, we had Dim Sum Buffet... Maybe its due to the fact that I've just returned from Hongkong, so I have very strong opinion of the Dim Sum here... Which btw, is Dragon Gate Restaurant @ Harbour Front. The food here, is all about Quantity and not on Quality. And we made a little 'boo hoo' somehow, and we ended up with a little too much food... =p But hey, its a Buffet!!

And someone is very dressed to theme that day!! Our 奶黄包王子.. Wanna make a guess whose that? =p

Very very tired... Hence didnt take much photos. A last group photo to end off Lunch.

Happy Birthday to JT and PJ!!

Grouchy Bear came by to pick me up after Lunch and we went back to his house to take his Dog (the very very big Alaskan Mamamute) Ash to the vet. The poor girl has a lump on her paw and its hurting her so badly that she's limping slightly...

With that, it ends my weekend... =)

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