Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Dear Bloggie,

I finally found the time to upload all these photos and am clearing all the Back Log now.. So much so that.. it'll basically be just photos and text. So 1 Sunday a couple of weeks back.. we meet up early at Dempsey for Brunch to celebrate EH's Birthday!!We're at Wine Company @ Dempsey. Well.. the Food is so-so but what makes this place memorable is we waited for more then 1hr 45min and yet not all the Food are out. We actually made reservations prior to that so they are expecting that sort of crowd so we are really disappointed in their service. A Tiramisu for the Birthday Girl!! Happy Birthday Girl!! And a photo before we parted ways.. Overall, its great catching up with the Poly Peeps and I am Loving Mao²'s Camera!!

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