Friday, October 10, 2008

Dear Bloggie,

Remember the short note my Lecturer for Strategy has sent me earlier on.. I replied back a short "Thank you" note as a form of politeness.

My Thank-you note:-

Hi Sherman,

Thank you for the email! It is very encouraging to hear from you!

Indeed, speaking up infront of a huge group is definitely not one ofthe thing that I usually do. But it is a good experience, and I do thank you for helping me out when I got cornered by the questions. =)

Frankly, I'm starting to miss class already. It sadden me to know its all over. But still, thank you so much for all the help rendered during this period.


Lecturer's reply:-

Hi Angeline,

It's a pleasure to help. This is what we are supposed to do when we teach (at least I try to do it, anyway) - it's all about getting our students to stretch. Then they realize that something they thought they could not do, they are able to do. It doesn't matter that the first time is not perfect; practice makes perfect, right?

Some feedback for you was that you came across very calm and collected, also you knew what it was you wanted to say, and you said it. Finally, after I spoke up, you came back and added some additional comments - this was good because it showed you could think on your feet. (BTW I realize that you might have felt terrified inside, but I want you to know that it did NOT show - in fact, just the opposite.)

As for the student in the other tutorial group - normally I would not have intervened, at least not in that way. But I felt that the other student was a little too aggresive in her style and didn't quite have all her facts in place. So I spoke up because I thought you were being unfairly targeted and because I felt that the case was new enough that you would not have been able to defend yourself properly. I have every confidence that if you had finished TMA03, you would have put up one hell of a fight.

You did good.

PS It might not be quite all over yet. I'm going to see if I can arrange that revision session. So maybe you have one last chance to see your classroom kakis!

See... Told you I meet a Bitch in class, even my Lecturer thought I'm being unfairly targetted. And frankly... Before the presentation, I already know my Group for to go up for it, and I sure will kanna as I'm the one who pen down the Presentation. I was still sms-ing DQ, telling him I am trembling badly, and I'm not sure if its the low temperature of the Lecture Hall or I'm dead down nervous.

But still, I am proud of myself... Abit 不要脸I know, but well... =)

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