Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Dear Bloggie,

Had a wonderful Dinner with SSFF last evening..

He came by to pick me up after work yesterday and brought me down to this very authentic Korea Eatery located at Mosque Street (I know coz I google ah~*) for Dinner..The complimentary 小菜.. and see that Hotplate at the far end - we had a BBQ Pork Belly. All along.. I had always wanted to try this - 辣年糕. I have seen this in count-less Korean Dramas and have been wanted to try this since the Dinosaur age. And finally... even after repeated advice that this is very spicy - I still had a go at it. Ermm.. I do not know how is this supposed to taste like, it is indeed rather spicy.. but I do like it. =) This is definitely the high-light of the Dinner. SSFF said the Chicken Stew is a 'must-have'.. I got the big shock of my life when I see this - super BIG pot. There is no way we can finish it.. but nevertheless, this is worth every cent. Yummy kimchi (I think) soup with well-marinated (in korean style no less) chicken boiling.. with my favorite straw mushroom and potato. I am missing this already.. *droolz*

I am full to the brim after the meal.. and I am going to start the 'dont-ask-me-out-unless-you-have-an-agenda-other-then-food' Life after the New Year.

Drop by a Pub to find his Friend and we chill out a little there.. listening to the 'inglorious' Mahjong advantures and then.. its home sweet home. =)

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